Welkom by hierdie webtuiste wat spesiaal geskep is vir alle oud-leerlinge, -onderwysers, -onderwyseresse en -personeel wat die voorreg gehad het om aan die Dassiebult verbonde te wees. Hier is herinneringe vasgevang vanaf die ontstaan van die skool op 1 Desember 1912, totdat dit as Hoërskool vir seuns gesluit het in 2000. Kyk gerus hier rond en waarskynlik sien jy bekendes raak, of raak jy nostalgies oor die goeie ou dae op Die Bult. Hopenlik kan ons daarin slaag om deur hierdie webtuiste ou vriende weer bymekaar uit te bring. Die Dassies is ook op Facebook as jy daar na ou vriende wil gaan soek.
Die plasings hierop is noodwendig nie volledig nie omdat baie foto's, registers en artikels oor die jare verlore gegaan het. Met almal se hulp kan ons hopenlik daarin slaag om die webtuiste meer volledig aan te vul. Indien jy in besit is van artikels, foto's, staaltjies, nuus, of die name weet van persone op die foto's, wat nie reeds hier verskyn nie, e-pos dit asseblief vir ons sodat ons dit hier kan plaas. Ons hoor graag van jou.
Keer gereeld na die webtuiste terug om te sien wat van al die oud-Dasse, -onderwysers -onderwyseresse en -personeel geword het sedert die skool gesluit het, asook nuus oor byeenkomste.
Das groete.
A brilliant idea this, Peet! Thanks for sharing the memories with us. No doubt, very nostalgic!
Ai, hoe verlang ek nie nou na Die Bult nie. Ek sal vir julle 'n email stuur met my besonderhede.
Beste wense.
Thank you Dutch and Peet. What a terrific idea! Just browsing through the photographs brought back many memories. I remember many of the name of the guys from the time I was at the Bult (1963-1965).
The 1964 first team starting from the back row was: Koos Botha/ Venter/?/?/Beatty/Nico Geere/.
Middle row: ?/Mr Kaldenberg//Smouse/Hoppy/?/Jan/
Front row: Peter McKreal (Sp?)/?/Eric van Biljon/John Gosen/Jan Ellis. (Question marks = I can't remember right now)
I certainly would like to try and make the next get together. My wife Pam and I have three married children and six grand children. I served for some 20 years in the pastoral ministry, including a year in Los Angeles. We presently live in Pietermaritzburg, KZN. My cell number is: 084 870 1798. I welcome a call from any old "Das."
My nickname was "Tinkie."
Steven Thielke here from Hong Kong. I was a Das from 1982 until 1985. Any Dasse from that period can contact me on stevent@citicpacific.com. I am really interested in getting hold of Morgan Meredith who was my best mate - we were in the 1st rugby team for 3 years and lost touch after school.
Ja nee,ek stem 100% saam.Dit was nou n "trip down memory lane" en het ek nie lekker gelag nie. hahahaha Great manne!, hou aan met die goeie werk.
Deon Heyns
e-mail: heynsd@yahoo.com
Hi there,
I have no idea who you are, but here it goes anyway. My name is Paul Wetherall, I had the distint pleasure of being a Das from 1984-2000, I also had the pleasure of being the only Student ever to have passed Matric twice... once in '89 and again in '90.... I would appreciate it, if someone could foward any prize giving photos from those years and some of the inter hostel athletics and swimming events that took place...
Hi Guys,
Anton Schmidt here,headboy from 1977. I stumbled on this site by accident and yes I was surprised. I'll e-mail you with photos from that year. Keep up the good work!
Goeie dag,
My naam is David Sillifant, en ek was in Dassie-bult van !974-76.
Baie dankie vir hierdie blog, dit was werklik lekker om weer die bekende gesigte te sien.
Enigeiemand van daardie tyd wat my wil e-mail, doen gerus so,david.danengineering@absamail.co.za
Hi, Samuel Starbuck here. I was a das from '84 to '87. I am now living in Greater London in the UK. Would be great to hear from any das that was at school with me. Email: star_by@yahoo.co.uk. Visited Die Bult last year when I was in SA. Great to see old photos on here. Brought back memories! Does anyone have photos of 1987 matrics? Would greatly appreciate a copy!. Starbuck.
Hi guys, I have just had the massive pleasure to peruse pic's from your '09 reunion. Some faces have got older, but the memories stay just as fresh as if it were still 68/69. You all look healthy and in good spirits, excuse the pun, and having a wonderful time like the days of old. Take care, be good and stay well all of you. Best regards, Billy Jones. Das from '65 to '68.
Hi there "Ou Dasse", I did not leave any contact info; mrbigbeez@yahoo.co.uk. Hope to hear from some of you soon. Stay well.
Hallo, almal!
My pa was onderhoof by Die Bult tot 1973 (C.R.Coertzen). Ek stel belang in enige stories of ondervindinge wat enige iemand dalk met hom gehad het! Dan stel ek ook belang om uit te vind wat van Chris Kruger geword het (Seun van Gert Kruger wat skoolhoof was).
Kan iemand dalk help?
Rudy Coertzen
To all ex "Dasse",
I am a documentary maker specializing in human interest type stories. My father (C.R.Coertzen) used to be vice principle until 1973 - he started as teacher in the paint shop (they used to call him "Kwas" Coertzen!) I was an adopted child and have my first memories as young child in one of the hostels (Next to the water tower) surrounded by "Dasse" and staff with their children! I remember camping at Hartenbos in the bush and getting up to mischief with some of the students!
In memory of my father and the impression that "Die Bult" left on me as young child, I would like to produce a documentary on the school and capture especially the role that it played in the lives of some of it's students. If you are interest in assisting me in this, please forward your special life story to my email address at rudycoertzen@gmail.com plus your contact details. If possible, I would like you to actually come to the school for interviews on site and walk us through this place where memries were made!
I still have to get permission from the current authorities in charge - can anybody help? I believe now is a good time to proceed with this since the autumn leaves and gardens are in good shape after the recent rains.
I am an independent filmmaker and am attempting to produce this doccie with a minimal budget. At it's completion I shall try to get airtime for it and also make it available on dvd later.
Please help me with this attempt to honor this special place...
Rudy Coertzen
Hi Rudy,
We saw your request on the Dasse page. Drop us an email and let's see what we can do together. We remember your dad. We are also in touch with a few old Dasse who were there during his time.
Roy: roypmb@yahoo.com
John: johngoosen@iburst.co.za
Roy and John
Jean Campbell
Ja nee, wat 'n lekker ontdekking om 'n Blog vir ou dasse raak te loop. Dit was inderdaad 'n baie goeie tyd in elke Das se lewe om aan die wonderlike skool verbonde te kon wees. Ek was gedurende 1974-75 aan die Jakaranda koshuis, hostel 4, verbonde as onderhoofseun en hoofprefek van die koshuis. 'Ou snorre' Mnr Coetser (ek kan die naam verkeerd he)en Mnr Uys was ons koshuisvaders met Mev Barnard ons huistannie wat altyd gesorg het dat ons altyd goed versorg was.
Mnr Coetser kon 'n rotang swaai hoor. Ek sal dit nooit vergeet toe hy vir my, Frans Marais en ou Koert een aand met die koshuisvergadering in 1974 met die rottang bygedam het nie omdat ons een aand uitgeslip het skaatsbane toe. Ou Koert het dit nie so goed soos ek en ou Frans hanteer nie en dit het 'ou snorre' net kwater gemaak!!
Lekker ou dae daardie.
Hi Wille de Lange hier.
Maar dit is stil met ons Dasse. Wanneer laas was daar 'n byeenkoms? Dit is maar stil in 2012.
Groete Willie de Lange.
Comments by Anthony Hestermann have been removed due to the inappropriate and blasphemous content thereoff.
Hey guys it's Dassie Trudi's birthday today 29th December. Tel number 0448734021 email vtrudy@gmail.com
My email is thielke1@gmail.com.
Hey Neil - I was the deputy head boy with you (head boy at Jacaranda), we had the best rugby team indeed. I'm in Malaysia now, drop me an email on thielke1@gmail.com and we can chat more. Steven Thielke
Die Bult kan toe wees maar die jare wat ek daar was 89-92 was my beste jare mnr meyer was die beste koshuisvader en ook n mentor sal hom altyd onthou want hy het in my geglo
Neil ek is Dave Oetzer het in 1975 matrikuleer. Net n regstelling vir jou daar is geen beter eerste span wat die span van Anton Marais en sy spanmaats kan oorheers of oorwin nie hul was die heel beste wat ooit die Dassie trui gedra het. Net nog byvoeg die beste speler ooit op Die Bult Anton Marais hy het die skool die dorp en die buurdorp se eerste spanne verteenwoordig en het SWD verteenwoordig ons groot teenstaanders die Kwaggas het vreeslik gesukkel met Anton se vernuf op die veld. So daar het jy bietjie rugby gekry
Hi Billy. I would like you to contact me regarding Derek. Thanks Myrna
Hi Myrna,
I have sent your message to Billy. He would love to contact you, but you have left no contact details. He now stays in Bellair in Durban. He would like you to contact him on WhatsApp on 0721660043.
Peet Johnson.
Die span van 1968 was die beste.
Kyk bietjie na die tellings en teen wie daar kragte gemeet is.
dit was Lukas Venter 2 agter dankie
dit was my broer Lukas Venter op ruby foto
Hi all the dassies from 1974 to 1978 my name Errol Clark- Halkett
Hi its Brendan mcleod wer is all the guys from karee Garth leads...Jonthan knoesen.....James miller.....byron shaw?
Good day Frederick Swanepoel Hostel 3 1987 till 1991 anyone have pictures please forward to me 0828487773 I loved my time st the Bult I am currently have 30yrs service now with South African Police the bult and teachers shaped my life thanks to all
Hi aan almal daar by Die Bult Skool.
My naam is Mitchell Gilliland en ek wil al te graag net weereens BAIE DANKIE, se aan al die onderwysers wat met my gewerk het geduurende my tyd op DIE BULT. Graad 9, 2012/13 as ek dit nie mis het nie., Verskoon maar, ek was te veel heen en weer gewees as n kind en datums het ek maar deurmekaar, Haha.
Alhoewel, wil ek se dat jul was meer Voog/Familie as enigeiets anders eintlik. Veral my Koshuus Vader. (Mr.Kwakkie, Mr.Peters en natuurlik OOMPIE!!!!).
Ek sal lieg as ek sou se, dat ek als agter mekaar gehad en soos iemand gevoel het wat n plan vir die lewe gehad het toe my tyd op n end gekom het daar in George... Eerliwaar, as ek nou daaraan sit en dink... Erken ek dat dit meer n gevoel was van een wat terselfde tyd verloor het die dag wat hy ge wen het.
Daardie dag toe ek by Die Bult weg is, was n trots, opgewonde tyd gewees maar ook swaar en hartseer.
Ja, ek het my graad geslaag en dit met puik prestasies... So dat ek n eer denking van die WKOD ontvang het vir beste kandidaat in my graad.
Maar behalwe dit het ek die mees lojaal, eerlike en respekvolle spasie wat ek al ooit in was moes verlaat terwyl ek wens ek kon gebly het.
Die mag dalk baie negatief klink maar moet nie laat my woorde jou kul nie. Inteendeel bedoel ek dit met die mees oorspronklike eer en dankbaarheid. Sonder julle effektiewe prosedures en voorbeelding van 'MENS WEES', sou ek nooit enige selfrespek of morele waardes gehad het nie. EK IS JULLE EWIG DANKBAAR VIR ELKE SEKOND WAT JULLE BESTEE HET AAN ELKEEN VAN ONS.
En daarmee sluit ek af deer te se Dankie en mag DIE BULT Skool Ewig sterk staan.
Liefde en vriendelikste groete
Great memories of an exceptional Life's Experience - we were spiritually free, but were bound by the commraderie that was the life'sblood flowing through all of us.
So sad that our beloved Bult had to be altered from the way it was when we were there.
It should have been preserved - without change - as a National Monument !
That's what it was from its colourful history - and should never have been altered ....
In the hearts of all the Ou Dasse it is - and ALWAYS WILL BE - a National Monument !
Sadly - with the passing of the years - those who are the face and soul of Die Bult are becoming an extinct breed.
Soon, only the few pictures will be all that remains of this Icon....
The memories shared will be dissipated by the generations that follow - until the spirit of our beloved Dassie Bult has inevitably passed on.
As have so many ....
Perhaps - by the Grace of The Lord - we shall all assemble yet again as Dasse; this time we will share our togetherness with those Loved Ones whom we left behind ....
What became of all those historical films of King George and other memories of Die Bult history ...?
Once again - VAT VAS !
(Ben - Hostel 3 - 1965- 1967)
"Ben" Benetti here - 1965 to 1967...
For your documentary ...
If you would like to have a nostalgic memory of travelling to a rugby match in the old LORRY - and a piano version of the Skool Lied (anthem) - I have transcribed the Lorry song as a march, and our Anthem for piano.
These are NOT my compositions - but were done merely for the purpose of re-kindling the old memories....
The composer of G.I.S. is not known - where-as we know who composed the School Anthem...
I played a minor part in this, as I submitted sn English translation of the Anthem after I had left my home of three memorable years.
Let me know if you would like the MP3 soundtracks of these songs - and also the music manuscripts - for the purpose of recalling the Good Times...
Cheers - and VAT VAS !
To Peet and Dutch...
How do I contact you guys ?
Send reply to
Ben Benetti
Das from 1965 to 1967
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